Sunday, March 04, 2007


"Jesus asked God to 'remove the cup' from him - the cup symbolizing his destiny to die on the cross. Why do you think he prayed this way?"


Lydia said...

He wanted to fulfill his obligations, but he was also afraid. If there was another way, I think he would have taken it.

Jemila Kwon said...

My mom used to sing me a song that went, "So high, you can't get over it, so low, you can't go under it, so wide, you can't get around it, you've got to go in through the door." Yet everytime I am faced with something difficult, overwhelming, painful, fightening or uncertain, even when I know there is no way around it, I still try to think of one. Maybe this was Jesus' human experience?

It is one thing to go through pain that you didn't choose -- you know you don't have a choice, so you sort of suck it up and cope the best you can. But chosen pain for the sake of a higher purpose contains within it the temptation to opt-out, and one's fidelity to the higher calling us weighed against the immediately cost in pain.

Nancy said...

Yes, and Jesus' humanity would have yearned to "opt out". I see it as a clear example of the dual nature of Jesus and how that could get played out in the challenges he would be presented with.

Lori said...

Nancy, I so agree. I love that even in the end, the "sublime" act of sacrifice, Jesus is human...perhaps at his most human. There was no triumphal engagement of the suffering, no "it will all be worth it in the end", no ignoring that it would be unbearable. What an authentic model of suffering & deep humanity; sometimes, we can't see beyond it, and it seems like Jesus understands that place.

Nancy said...

Lori, that was really beautifully put. He did not cheapen the sacrifice by attaching bland platitudes to it or minimizing it through spiritualized language. He exemplified the fact that life IS hard and sacrifice COSTS us as it certainly did Jesus in his own humanity.

Amy said...

I love everyone's comments on this. I think his prayer shows the depth to Jesus' humanity. His physical body was subject to pain, which he knew was part of the process.

Jemila, I really liked your understanding of the fact that he had a choice. It gives me hope that in my moments of wanting to run, I have a Savior who truly understands that experience.